iEurolab - BETA

by EurolaB srl



iEurolaB, conceived as a support for those who carry out activities of characterization and sampling of emissions from stationary sources. It allows, in a simple and immediate way, through the use of specific formulas, in accordance with the technical standards of reference:- Calculate the speed of the fumes and the nozzle diameter for the sampling of the total dust;- Calculate the gas humidity;- Determine the normalization factor for oxygen, temperature, pressure;- Calculate the normalized flow dellaeriforme and the mass flow of the pollutant;- Determine the positioning of the measuring points and the speed of withdrawal of pollutants;- Take some initial conversion calculations.Info: This tool is designed with the aim to facilitate the operators who are operating in the field by solving some simple equations which define a proper plan of analytic investigation. The application can not be considered as exhaustive of each evaluation and calculation process that can contribute to a proper course of business in compliance with the current technical standards. The creators, publishing the current beta version, accept any liability arising from the use or misuse of the same, and will be glad to facilitate the sharing of knowledge by accepting bug reports and / or proposals for improvement.